New generation of tools for forecasting energy demand and renewable energy production on fine spatial and temporal scales

Georges Kariniotakis, Research Director, Mines de Paris

The main objective of the Fine4Cast project is to improve short-term forecasting (minutes to days) of renewable energy production and consumption on a fine geographic scale (production plants, consumers, territories). Improved forecasts are essential if more renewable energies are to be integrated into power systems. The emergence of new players and new use cases means a need for new products. Forecasters face new challenges due to the proliferation of data sources, and the associated threats and confidentiality constraints.

Fine4Cast offers a holistic approach that covers the entire value and modeling chain of energy forecasting, from data to weather and energy forecasts, and including the optimal use of forecasts for decision-making in power systems and the energy market.

Keywords: Forecasting, Meteorology, High resolution, Data science, Renewable energies, Smart grids


The Fine4Cast consortium brings together 6 laboratories with highly complementary expertise. Synergies with other PEPR TASE projects will enable the sharing of use cases and data sets. A reference group of 10 industrial players will provide insight into end-user requirements and the most relevant use cases. These players will also be able to provide datasets for the evaluation and validation of proposed approaches.

Project news

Thèse – High-dimensional optimization of distributed assets in smart grids

Thèse – Optimization of flexibility services under multiple local uncertainties in the context of smart grids

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