Project HyMES

Hybrid modeling for multi-energy systems

Bruno Lacarrière, Professor, IMT Atlantique

The HyMES project aims to explore hybrid modeling solutions for dealing with the complexity of multi-energy systems and networks. Indeed, this complexity is characterized by: different time dynamics depending on the energy vectors, non-linearities whose conventional treatment limits the real representation of physical phenomena, limited access to certain system parameters (demand and production), a need to take into account certain uncertainties in system description… Hybrid modeling is understood as the combination of physical and data-based models at several model levels and in different forms: data models assisted by physical models, estimation of physical model parameters by learning, chaining of models of different natures and cosimulation…

Keywords: Multi-energy systems and networks; Hybrid modeling; Benchmark; Electrical networks; Thermal networks


Our researches

Hybrid modeling of multi-energy systems and networks

The project will explore the very principles of hybrid modeling, while investigating the relevance and performance of different model hybridization solutions, depending on the scale involved, as well as the changes in scale required to study complex energy systems.

Spatial and temporal scales

The spatial scale studied corresponds to the minimum scale required to achieve the desired complexity on a set of distribution networks (set of neighborhoods, industrial activity zones, etc.). Temporal dynamics will also be taken into account, depending on the modeling objectives (e.g. control), the technologies to be modeled (e.g. storage dynamics) and the differences between the dynamics associated with each vector (e.g. electrical networks versus thermal networks).

Technologies considered

These range from energy conversion and storage technologies, through their association within the distribution networks of the various energy carriers (themselves considered in the modeling), to the multiple interactions between networks via a range of coupling technologies.


The consortium includes 6 CNRS mixed units and 2 CEA laboratories.

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