Project POWDEV

Strategic development of the power grids of the future

Anne Barros, Professor, CentraleSupélec

The main objective of POWDEV is to assess and optimize the resilience of power systems in the context of a massive insertion of renewable energies, considering extreme events in current and future climates, as well as the complexity of networks and socio-economic scenarios. Climate change scenarios must be taken into account in resilience analysis, as extreme events (drought, storms, thunderstorms) can have serious impacts. Cascading failures need to be analyzed, with appropriate integration of renewable energy sources and climate change. The social and economic value chain must also be taken into account. Resilience will be optimized by appropriate decisions on the operation and design of the power system.

Keywords: Resilience, vulnerability, renewable energies, power grids, climate change, socio-economic scenarios, optimization, operational research


Our researches

Assessment, status report

Impact of extreme events on power grids and systems: projection into present and future climates.

Analysis and characterization of power system resilience using complex systems theory

What metrics and objective functions are relevant for assessing vulnerability, and how can they be calculated?


Economic and societal scenarios for more renewables in a changing climate

What are the scenarios that lead to a blackout, and how can the massive integration of RES influence this chain and these scenarios?


Proactive and robust optimization for mitigation and planning of resilient power systems

What are the levers for action in design and operation, and how can they be optimized to increase resilience?


It includes 3 higher education and research establishments, and 2 research organizations

Project news

Post-doc – Strategic power systems development for the future

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